The best thing about January and the New Year, is the clean slate and fresh start. Its a new year, and who knows what can happen this year. Im pretty game for whatever the universe has instore for me but I also want to make a few goals for the year. I decided to make 2 goals each for 4 seperate catagories; personal, professional, my marriage and my home.
1. Start and complete the kitchen renovation.....this is going to be a major undertaking since our kitchen is somewhat small. I am excited to pick out new cabinets and storage soulutions and do this with E. Also, I cant wait to make my first meal in our new kitchen!
2. Finish unpacking and organize! Im ashamed to admit that we never finished unpacking. We moved then fall semester started and then the holidays and here I am. Its something that I really want to do this year.
1. Go on a date 1x per week. E and I are bad about date nights. Often the weekend comes and were both exhausted so we tend to stay in on the weekend.
2. Always kiss goodnight.
1. Pass my PHR! As an aspiring human resources professional, the PHR is essential for me. Im taking the test on 1/23 so hopefully this will be crossed off my list sooner then later. Wish me luck
2. Go back to HR. Once I have my PHR certification, securing a position should be a bit easier as the certification makes me extremely marketable. That said, at 26 soon to be 27 Im really ready to get a hold on my career.
1. Yoga....I do work out on my treadmill everymoring for 45 minutes, but I really want to do 3o minutes of yoga every morning aswell, to center myself and start my day right.
2. Let my hair grow out.....last May I had my hair chopped into a very cute bob. I loved it at the time ( and it was a great cut) but I want my long hair back.
I hope 2010 brings you all lots of love, joy and success.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago