Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goals for 2011

Happy New Year!
Looking back at my Goals for 2010, I came to the realization that I achieved all but a few of them. The downfalls came kitchen renovations,  yoga and date night....but I the other ones I did without a problem. Not too shabby if I say so myself.

So without further adieu...

Goals for 2011!


1. Work out every morning.
 No excuses, unless Im in extreme pain or somehow misplaced a limp, I need to work out. For myself, for my health.
2.  Detox myself from Celebrity Gossip.
Yes, if Guliana Rancic isnt reporting it, well then do I really need to know?
3. Read more concrete, intelligent pieces.
My current reading list as follows:  Unwed and Undead, The Help and catching up on US Weekly. Sense a trend?

For my career and marriage, Ive made strides in 2010 and I hope to keep the trend going.

For my house, well thats a different story......for another time...

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